Healing Packages Designed to Support your Wellbeing 

All new clients receive a FREE  20 – 30 minutes consultation!


Healer: Nico Amores

Healing Energy Session

Clients supported, among others, to:

Heal chronic conditions; Repair old muscular or skeletal injuries; Restore balance to the body’s essential systems like digestion and circulation; Improve wellness and immunity; Release internal roadblocks; Confidence in achieving goals.

Duration of the session: 1hr to 1.15 hr


Healer: Nico Amores

Long Distant Healing                                 

Sending Healing to any part of the world

Duration of the session: 1hr

Healer: Nico Amores

Quantum Healing Session Technology for Swelling of Body Joints

Clients supported, among others, to heal:

Sore Hands, Wrists, Elbows, Knees, Ankles and Feet.

Duration of the session: 1hr

Healers: Nico Amores

Adjustment of the Inner Chakras

Clients supported among others, to:

Balance their Inner Chakras and life force body adjustments.

Duration of the session (in person): 1.5hr


Healers: Nico Amores

Clearing & Healing from Psychic Attack

Clients supported, among others, to overcome:

Negative energy sent to an individual to inflict harm is a psychic attack, and we are talking about causing damage to the person’s physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental state.


Unpleasant dreams and nightmares

Seeing the attacker in dreams, thoughts, or mediations

Feeling tired (drained) or experiencing fatigue for no reason

Having aches or feeling pain regularly

Questioning your direction in life; feeling doubtful

Unexplained sense of fear

Negative thoughts that seem to pop into our minds from out of nowhere

Sudden illnesses that seem to have no diagnosis

Strange accidents that seem to be recurring

Working towards clients Receive Healing and Removal of these Negative Entities.

Total of 1 Session (1 to 1.5 hr per session). 

In-person or remote sessions


Home or Place of Employment

Healer: Nico Amores

Inner Child Healing 

Clients supported, among others, to:

Ease the pain of depression and find joy in everyday life; Release anxiety and replace it with calm and confidence; Soothe anger at its root and lean towards compassion and understanding; Relieve long-held sadness with a wise and gentle view of life. 

Duration of the session (in person): 1 hr

Total of 1 or 3 Healing Sessions.

(Reconnect with your Inner Child and Heal)

Healers: Nico Amores and Robert Van Kooten

Spiritual Rebirth Purification

Clients supported, among others, to:

Give life a deep and unshakable sense of purpose and meaning; Encourage natural intuition and let it always guide you in good directions; Gain new insight into life’s most profound questions; Harness your unseen connections to all of the people in your life.

Removal of Tags & Past Life clearing                   

Healers: Nico Amores and Robert Van Kooten

Total Activation and assimilation of Avatar Rebirth Purification

Two sessions of Removal of Tags & Past Life clearing. (Robert)

Four sessions Rebirth and Purification of the new frequency upgrade, Recalibration of Body light centres, Clarity and focus Infusion of mental and Heart balancing (Nico).


Healer: Nico Amores

Verbal Communication Coaching 

Clients supported, among others, to:

Release internal roadblocks and confidence to achieve any goal; Develop a “success” mentality that steers abundance; Let go of old feelings of guilt and regret that hold back; Conquer fears and build confidence from the inside out; communicate authentically from a space of vulnerability.

In-person or remote sessions

10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Healer: Nico Amores

Course 1: Intro to Healing

Upcoming Information on this Course. Please email if Interested in the next starting date of the course.

Healer: Nico Amores

Course 2: Med to Advance Healing

Upcoming Information on this course. Please email if Interested in the next starting Course.

Healer: Nico Amores

One on one coaching couple therapy

A Journey of Couples opened to coming into One Being.

These Sessions offer your relationship an unbiased view and help you establish your values and boundaries as a unified couple. Doing this is often a step that couples miss but is crucial in a healthy, loving, and positive relationship. Seeing a counsellor establish your boundaries with one another can offer you a mediator on topics that can be sensitive to bring up, reducing fights regarding these issues. Our counsellors will help you gain skills that will give you the tools to eventually work through problems on your own, fairly and productively.

Duration of the session (in person): 1.5hr

In-person or remote sessions